America’s Tax Experts in Colorado

Upcoming Events

Next Board meeting Tuesday, August 6, 2024, 4:30 PM via Zoom.

See the 2024 End of Session Report here.

Colorado Department of Revenue is requesting public input. See details here.


Anticipated Colorado Tax Policy 2024 Session (as of January 2, 2024) The Colorado General Assembly plans to address a number of tax policies in the 2024 legislative session. With regard to property taxes, in addition to the legislation passed in during the Special Session addressing property taxes held in late November, expect to see potential clean up legislation for some of the Special Session laws, new legislation later in the session from the Commission on Property Taxes and potential legislation coming from legislators outside of the Commission process. In addition to property taxes, two tax policy interim committees met this summer and fall and are moving forward the following tax policy changes as legislation. Download PDF for more information.


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